How To Begin Your College Search
There are over 2,600 four-year colleges in the United States. How do you decide where to apply, and, once you’re admitted, which college to attend?
The decision begins and ends with you. While you should certainly seek advice and ideas from your family, teachers, advisors, and others who know you well, ultimately, the decision of where to apply and attend college will be yours to make. Therefore, the place to start your college search isn’t a guidebook or a website, but withself-evaluation.
Before you crack open a guidebook or start visiting college websites, here are some important questions to ask yourself:
Who are you?
It's important to find a school where you can feel comfortable or at least be able to adapt fairly well. Are you shy or outgoing? Someone who isn't afraid to take calculated risks, or someone who tends to play things safe? Are you comfortable being around people who are very different than you or more at ease with people who are similar toyou? How would you describe yourself to someone who didn't know you? How would your best friend describe you?